Wednesday, 27 October 2010

La Otra

I visited La Otra Feria de Arte Contemporáneo de Bogotá, and independent art fair parallel to the big commercial orientated ArtBo (which I didn't visit).
Exhibitions, galleries and talks took place at the recently refurbished Hotel Continental and in my opinion it was a fresh and different approach to this type of event, specially for the character that the venue itself brought to the show.
Visit the website if you're interested to know more about it, I took plenty of pictures myself but sadly I have to edit since I don't want to make this post long and boring.

The building its a mixture of contemporary we haven't finished-is in the making-there is no more money left-sort and the crafted details of 50's architecture but in some corners of the place it works well and it connects positively with the show.

Existo, a commercial gallery mocking the Exito supermarket chain.

Andres Foglia Economía de las Ideas / Installation / 2010

Camila Botero El estado presente / Lights Installation / 2010

I love the images and atmosphere that this work produces

Daniel Santago Salguero Diarios a distancia/ Photography / 2010

Now, this is what I consider one of the highlights of La Otra: Intervención Continental, an exhibition that reflects about the space and the history of the place where the show is held, a tale told by images and objects about the tragic, the ironic and the iconic stories of the city that we live in and the events that made it what it is today. A thoughtful choice of artists, subjects and space that makes the audience consider the past and present of colombian history.

Jaime Avila Bomba Roja (la izquierda y la derecha) / 2006

Julián Santana Monumento Continental /2010

Julián Santana Transnacional /2010

Miguel Angel Rojas Dos tazas /2010

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