Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Hanna's Book (Sketches)

In the past I have only publish finished products but that only means I don't post anything for a long time whilst I'm busy on the current project. For me, one of the main goals of this blog should be being able to track the process of making each piece.
So from now on Ill be posting from the beginning to the end of a project in hopes that would be a way to reflect and understand the process and the work itself.

Hanna's Book (working title) has a more editorial concept, possibly thought to be reproduced one day.
Is basically a short story based on a very vivid dream I had right after I returned from England to my hometown Bogota. Because it was a very emotional subject to me, I felt it was necessary to retell the dream as a love story that hopefully everyone would relate to.

I really like writing (though it not always comes out well specially in english) so I started structuring the story-dream so I could then think about the layout and illustrations of the book:

After that i made I quick mock up to test text, images, spreads etc.

I then made the first illustration so I could set the guidelines for the style and feel of the images. This is the first one in raw:

And this after "treating" the image in Photoshop:

Then I started experimenting with text to decide what type of font to use for the rest of the book. i wanted to give it a vey personal feel so I created my own font thourgh this wonderful free online tool Fontstruct that allows you to create any kind of type and then download it.

So I made Hanna's Book that is available for download here and it's my own writing and it looks like this:

Still, i didn't use it because I found Cochin Regular a more suitable one that looks very much like I wanted it look:

I'm now working on the other illustrations (about 20 to go!) and I'll be posting more about it.

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